Happy Monday!

I hope your weekend was relaxing!

There was a situation recently that prompted me to consider when enough is enough. I’m not unfamiliar with discomfort, both mine and that of others. Still, this time it felt different because I began to ponder whether it was time to let go of the outcome that was starting to entangle a relationship. The challenge was not my own, but someone with whom I have invested much time and energy.

I wanted so desperately to ask the question, “When will it be enough for you to let go?” but I was too emotionally charged to deliver the query with a measured tone and inflection. That’s what sometimes happens when you care about someone so much that it hurts. I realized that, just as I needed to help this person learn to process what letting go looks like, I, likewise, needed to remind myself when it was enough for me, when it was prudent for me to step back and trust the process for both of us.

It was a harsh reminder that we occasionally get so wrapped up in others’ lives that we can cause more harm than good if we’re not paying attention. It’s like trying to row upstream when the river is raging. We need to navigate to the shore and regroup. We need to pause and recognize when enough is truly enough.

I found this quote that summarizes my thoughts nicely:

Fundraiser for Gregory Warner by Jessica Mumford : Please help a girl out

When we add, be discerning in admitting when enough is enough and then let go, the entire picture comes into focus. Think about a time when you had to decide about a job, destructive habit, or unhealthy relationship. You, primarily, had to be strong, intelligent, brave, and discerning to see the situation for what it was. It’s not an easy task, but it certainly can be rewarding in ways we never dreamed could happen.

In Scripture, we learn about how God saved Jerusalem:

“God also sent a Messenger to Jerusalem to destroy it, but as he was destroying it, the Lord reconsidered and changed his mind about the disaster. ‘Enough!’ he said to the destroying Messenger. ‘Put down your weapon.’”  1 Chronicles 21:15 (GW)

And, of bravery, we learn:

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV)

Here are a couple of passages about discernment:

“Folly is joy to him who is destitute of discernment, But a man of understanding walks uprightly.” Proverbs 15:21 (NKJV)

“And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment,” Philippians 1:9 (NKJV)

Of course there are many other references that would be appropriate to include. For now, consider these verses when you’re battling with the enoughs in your life. Sideline yourself for a moment to consider your options. Allow your governing integrity to assist you in deciding what the most effective course of action might be.

Be honest with yourself about your investment in the situation. Then, engage the most informed alternative, whether you’re dealing with your own circumstances or encouraging a friend, colleague, or client. It’s a matter of learning the timing in surrendering to the notion of enough, then trusting the wisdom from above in the process.

Have a fantastic week of wellness and empowerment through exercising your wisdom in knowing when enough is enough!

Be Well & Be Blessed!