Happy Monday! 

Today is the second day of the High Holy Days in the Jewish tradition. The most common greeting for Rosh Hashanah is Shana Tova, which means a good year, representing wishes for a good, sweet year. Americans would translate the sentiment to something akin to having a happy and prosperous new year.

My dear friend, Peg, embraces both Judaism and Christianity. She reminded me that Rosh Hashanah is the first of the highest holy days. Peg also noted that not only is it the first day of the new year, “…but also the second of 10 days of self-reflection and repentance for the previous year, sometimes referred to as the days of awe.” In addition, it’s a time of preparation for Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, which I’ll write more about next week.

Her following words to me are powerful:

For me as a Christian Jew, the celebration is one of thanksgiving for the grace of having a new year, and while, as Christians, we pray for forgiveness in the moment, a devoted time of reflection lets me look for flaws in my spirit and the grace I grant to others (or lack of it), in a way I might not have seen moment by moment. It is more of a global, introspective, and intentional look at how I can serve God and others better in the coming year than I might have in the past one.”  

Her words are a lovely interpretation of the celebration of forgiveness and repentance, ushering in a new year of service and grace. Considering the significance of these next nine days to those who practice Judaism and the potential impact of this time, it’s curious to think about our own practices. I wonder how many of us take time in the busyness of our lives to reflect on how our words and actions affect others.

The following quote is from Rav Menachem Mendel Schneerson, considered one of the 20th century’s most influential Jewish leaders:

This celebration of Rosh Hashanah intends to help us see what we need to do inside ourselves and take responsibility to make sure that changes are made, particularly in consideration of others. Recognizing and contemplating repairing what’s broken or challenging isn’t enough. This time comes with a charge to make changes going into a new year. And we know that change begins within each of us if we want to achieve lasting transformation elsewhere.

Here are some thoughts from Scripture:

“And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to dwell in.” Isaiah 58:12 (ESV)

Those of us who are mental health providers (or anyone who provides a service to others, for that matter) share a particular burden. We are morally and ethically obligated to keep ourselves and our minds healthy. We do this to be fully present and supportive of those we assist. But unfortunately, we can’t produce a flow of compassion, discernment, wisdom, and insight when our vessels are empty.

This week, our Jewish friends will sound the shofar, read the Torah, and enjoy feasts of apples, pomegranates, and honey to welcome God’s presence into this new year. Let’s join them in preparing our own hearts through introspection and self-awareness to answer the calling in our lives. As Rabbi Curt Landry so eloquently stated, let’s “awaken our spiritual ears so that we walk in the will and purpose of God for the upcoming year.”

Shana Tova and L’Chaim!

Be Well & Be Blessed!
