Question: I’m feeling guilty because of an attitude that I can’t shake. I know we’re supposed to love, not hate. I can’t say I really hate anyone, but I do have a problem with several politicians, who, in my opinion are letting their constituency down by thinking only of their respective parties instead of what’s good for our citizens. I’ve looked up their bios and have found many good qualities these folks have, and I try to dwell on those, but the frustration keeps coming back. Do you have any suggestions on what I could be doing to rid myself of the judgments I’m experiencing? ~ Love the USA
Dear Love the USA ~
I’ll go out on a limb here and suggest that you’re not alone in your quandary. We watch the world change and have trouble believing, not to mention trusting, the people we elect to administer our desires. Sometimes we confuse the individual’s qualities with the office where they sit and then have difficulty reconciling the two. During these times of confusion, we begin to wonder if the problem is with the person/people we’ve elected or with us. I believe it’s a little of both.
Let me explain. We listen to the speeches, use due diligence to research, and make the best choices possible during the election process. Then we’re challenged when there are changes or things we assume would be handled appropriately are left unaddressed. We might simultaneously feel that we’ve missed something or that the elected official lied to us. Finally, we’re frustrated, anxious, and angry and begin to question the decision-making and election processes in general.
The democratic system is supposed to uphold the people’s wishes, right? Elected officials support the parties’ overviews and ensure their constituents’ voices are heard and adequately implemented. The challenge comes with human nature. Sometimes, we make mistakes, misunderstand, and underestimate our sway. We’re not privy to what happens ‘behind closed doors,’ which leaves us wondering how powerful our voices are or if they’re even heard.
A passage in Deuteronomy 17 addresses the qualities of a king (or leader in this case). In verses 18-20, we learn that officials should review a copy of laws daily to understand and digest the essence and truth. They are encouraged to carefully follow the regulations and not consider themselves better than others. They must remain focused on the facts and serve the people well.
When a leader ceases to embrace the specifics of their appointment, things can go south quickly. Stuff happens. We’re all human. We read in Esther how things can quickly change with appropriate action. Esther revealed the negative human qualities of Hamon, albeit straight-up narcissism, to the king, who swiftly acted to correct the disrespectful actions in dynamic ways.
We’re human and respond to being let down or feeling deceived by people we’ve chosen to represent us. Therefore, a key component is remembering our collective humanity from a faith-based perspective. This aspect of humanity reminds me of verse 2 of Psalm 36:
“For with his flattering opinion of himself, he does not discover and hate his iniquity.” (CSB)
And Luke 6:32:
“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them.” (TLV)
We’re counseled to love the sinner and hate the sin. Perhaps the way to refrain from judging is to look inward to discover the salient reasons we’re triggered by the action or lack thereof. And, maybe we cut ourselves some slack for being human and judging others, even though we know and believe it’s pointless.
Matthew 7:3 reminds us:
“Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” (ESV)
Please understand. This reference is not an admonishment, merely a reminder of our responsibilities. In addition, we have a voice to speak out when we see iniquity. Joshua 1:9 encourages us to:
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (NIV)
We have a right to be miffed about incorrect action or shoddy work. However, we are also responsible for taking appropriate measures to bring attention to the things that necessitate change. Unfortunately, we can get sidetracked in how we accomplish that goal, so let’s pay attention to the feelings that arise. What we do from there says more about us than it does about those creating the problem.
Be Well & Be Blessed!
Comments by lucinda