“Mental health . . . is not a destination, but a process. It’s about how you drive, not where you’re going.”

Author Unknown

Happy Monday! 

I hope this morning finds you safe and dry! What a wild Sunday in SoCal – rain and earthquake – makes a person wonder. With all that, I hope you managed to hunker down for some serious self-care.

The topic today is mental health. I know, I know, it’s always mental health with me. That’s because mental health is a part of everything we do, think, and say. It’s core to who we are and can be the rudder that helps us navigate through the twists and turns of life. Sometimes we feel great, as though we have the Midas touch. Other times we feel as though we’ve just experienced something so heavy it’s like a steamroller smashed us into the pavement.

It’s all part of life. We have our ups and downs and are faced with a plethora of choices on the daily. One of the most important things to remember about mental health is that we can change. I’m not gonna lie to you; it’s rarely easy. The benefits of our efforts, however, are powerful and have the potential to alter the trajectory of our lives. We just need to look at it as a journey, a process by which we make informed decisions to move in a new direction. It’s not so much about where we’re going but how we’re navigating the road.

The following quote truly captures my thoughts about mental health:

Photo by Marc Kleen. No copyright infringement intended.

What we’ve been through definitely informs who we are and may dictate our expectations. But, and this is a big but, it doesn’t necessarily predict the overall outcome. I’ve seen many people make choices to alter their circumstances significantly. When they focus on the process, they have more lasting results. When looking for a quick fix, the changes they attempt aren’t always as lasting.

We need time to let the new skills and strategies take hold in our minds. The destination is lovely, and we are well-advised to seek to accomplish the goals we purpose to achieve. But if we don’t slow down to understand the journey and really experience all that the processing has to offer, we may miss some critical elements that may enhance the landing place. We must pay attention to how we drive, not just getting to the next location.

Be sure to attend to the journey within. It’s an exciting place to explore, with many roads to examine. Consider taking time to study current processes. See if you’re focused on the destination or slowly navigating all the options. I believe it will be an excellent way to track your progress!

Be Well & Be Blessed!
