Good Morning and Merry Christmas! 

I hope you had a delightful weekend. To those who were busy shopping online, I wish your eyes and fingers a chance to recover. To those who braved the lines at your favorite marketplace, I wish you rest for your weary feet and minds. To those who managed to take a few minutes to greet a friend or neighbor warmly, I wish you compassion in-kind. And to those who are exhausted from this most interesting season, I wish you respite and peace.

As we look forward to a week of Christmas events, my heart grieves for those who need the basics of life. I’m saddened by the brokenness of loss and the precariousness of instability. I hurt for those whose yuletide experiences in the past were lacking compassion and joy. I pray that God will bless all who seek solace and a new beginning. I hope that Christmas means a little bit more this year.

Warm, Funny and Inspirational Quotes on the Spirit of Christmas - Ecumen

Luke 2:1-15 gives us something to hope for, someone to hope in, and a place to begin anew. It tells of a time when a little bit more changed the world. This passage of Scripture reads:

“And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This census first took place while Quirinius was governing Syria. So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city.

Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.”

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:

Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”

With so much unrest in the world today, we have the ability to rest in the knowledge that we are beloved by the Father, transformed through the Son, and guided by the Spirit of God. We can love freely and shed past trauma by seeking Him for resources and support. Each day we can gain a little bit more ground by trusting that our lives have purpose and meaning as we push on in faith and diligently seek to honor one another. The importance of Christmas becomes a constant, daily reminder of the blessings of giving.

I echo the words of Robert Louis Stevenson over you this Christmas:

“Loving Father, help us remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and worship of the wise men. Close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clear hearts. May Christmas morning make us happy to be Your children, and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus’ sake. Amen”

Merry Christmas!

Be Well & Be Blessed!