“If we could learn how to balance rest against effort, calmness against strain, quiet against turmoil, we would assure ourselves of joy in living and psychological health for life.” Josephine Langworthy Rathbone
Happy Monday!
I hope you had a lovely weekend and are prepared to balance this week’s events!
Life’s a balancing act. The world seems to tug at us in various ways, and it’s challenging to remain solidly grounded. When we’re successful in the effort, we find ourselves freed from polarizing emotions, and the stressors we encounter are more doable because we can think clearly and purposefully.
We can gain perspective when we loosen our grip on what we cling to for security. It’s like cleaning a closet. When we begin, there’s clutter, and it’s a mess. Sometimes, it gets worse as we start to take things out and examine them to determine if they stay or find a new home. The entire room becomes a big pile of stuff collected and put away or saved for use at another time.
When we make headway in removing things that no longer serve us well, we begin to feel lighter and see an end to the chaos. Often, we find valuable treasures we forgot we had. Sometimes, we get to gift others needed items, and frequently, we feel relieved because clutter causes undue anxiety. This can be true of physical closets and the storage areas in our minds.
Let’s look at the psychological effects of imbalance for a moment. When our minds are cluttered with the preoccupations of overthinking, reacting impulsively, or spiraling downward from rumination, we end up demoralized and unhappy. We have a tough time finding our way out of dilemmas that would ordinarily be resolved with little thought or effort. We become exhausted and listless and struggle to access joy. However, when we’re mentally and emotionally balanced, we traverse difficulties with ease and strength.
And, just for fun, let’s look at the spiritual implications. I’ll paraphrase a section of a book I’m reading by Kevin O’Brien, SJ: When we remember God’s faithfulness and are filled with the knowledge of His unconditional love and acceptance, we can show our gratitude by loving Him and His creatures in return. We can model our fundamental spiritual nature to serve with joy and abundant love without being hindered by our more selfish desires and enjoy the balance.
Scripture reminds us of the importance of balance in Proverbs 11:1-3 that:
“Dishonest scales are an abomination to the Lord,
But a just weight is His delight.
When pride comes, then comes shame;
But with the humble is wisdom.
The integrity of the upright will guide them,
But the perversity of the unfaithful will destroy them.” (NKJV)
And here’s a beautiful quote I found from Josephine Langworthy Rathbone, who was a female pioneer in sports medicine in the 1930s:

This quote is so poetic! By now, you’re probably getting my drift on the importance of balance. We need to understand and implement the concept to enhance the quality of our lives.
Spending quality time considering your life balance is a worthy endeavor this week. Start simply by surveying the physical world around you or your physical wellbeing. What needs to change to clear the chaos or improve your health?
Next, consider your mental and emotional state of mind. Do you need to make some adjustments to alleviate anxiety? Would you benefit from more rest because being overly tired is hampering your progress?
Where are you spiritually? Are you thirsting for answers, contemplating life changes requiring guidance or correction? These are all elements of managing your personal balancing act. Muster up the strength to look at what is holding you back and purpose to make necessary changes.
The freedom you’ll realize through gaining balance is unmeasurable!
Be Well & Be Blessed!
Comments by lucinda