“Let go of the thoughts that don’t make you strong.”
Author Unknown
Happy Monday!
And just like that ~ it’s February.
I don’t know about you, but I feel like we skipped January this year. What a whirlwind of activity! So much happened, and yet time flew by us. It makes me want to hold my breath for a moment just to feel like I’m in the present!
It’s been a very long haul for some of us, however. I have friends who are struggling with the reality of losing a loved one, while others are trying to be supportive as people they care for feel misunderstood and taken for granted while trying to contend for the best possible results. Still, others are amidst job changes, relocation, and letting go of those they once felt held their key to happiness.
The common denominator in these scenarios is not letting our thoughts steal our strength. Here’s a quote from an unknown author that is useful when faced with the need to gain strength:

You see, sometimes our hearts aren’t ready to let go. We hold on, hoping for a different outcome. We don’t want to face the pain of loss or change or some idea we have of the way things should be. We cling to and hold on to people, situations, thoughts, and things that no longer contribute in a meaningful way. We get confused and feel lost, alone, and weak. And all the feels get jumbled into a medicine ball that sits on our shoulders, puts pressure on our chests, and gives us stomachaches. Sometimes, it’s legit, as we grieve what could have been or what was, and sometimes, we just need to let go of our fear.
Here are some others’ thoughts on letting go to be strong:
“What’s the greater risk? Letting go of what people think – or letting go of how I feel, what I believe, and who I am?” Brene Brown
“There’s victory in letting go of your expectations.” Mike White
“By letting go of my fears and concerns, I’ve gained so much happiness and freedom. With that freedom, I’ve also gained confidence.” Sabrina Claudio
“Be strong. We must show ourselves to be strong for our people and for the cities of our God. The Lord will do what is good in his eyes.” 2 Samuel 10:12 (EHV)
“Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established.” Proverbs 16:3 (NKJV)
To my sweet friends who are facing the heartache of losing a cherished family member, let go of the thoughts that you should have done more, been better, loved harder. To those facing transition, let go of your inclination and desire to sacrifice, adjust, or alter your circumstances to your detriment. To the ones who need to get the heck out of a bad situation, let go of the flawed understanding that you can’t do any better or don’t deserve more. Let go of all the unhealthy, toxic, impossible thoughts that don’t make you strong, and be just that ~ be strong!
Be Well & Be Blessed!
Comments by lucinda