Happy Monday!

I hope you had a delightful weekend! The weather was beautiful, providing a few awesome days to enjoy the sun in whatever natural environment you prefer. I spent the day yesterday near the beach and enjoying the sights, sounds, and smells of the fresh ocean air. I have a friend who is an avid hiker, and my guess is she spent her days exploring parts formerly unknown. I have another friend who, no doubt, spent the time floating in her pool. There are so many different ways to savor what nature has to offer, bringing us into mindful repose. What’s your favorite outdoor pastime?

Taking quality time for ourselves is essential in navigating our confusing, complicated, and sometimes overwhelming world. It’s being self-compassionate and espousing a positive mindset to honor ourselves and others. It’s a way to assuage weariness and resentment by holding space for our needs. It’s a form of keeping appropriate boundaries, so we have the necessary time to replenish our energy. In this way, we can be fully present.

Brene Brown astutely and succinctly talked about being compassionate this way:

5 Myths About Setting Boundaries | thunderrainblog

The concept of boundaries is often misunderstood. When we say no to something or someone, it’s not necessarily an act of hostility or the desire to complicate matters. Frequently, it’s a way of self-preservation to allow time to process, explore, envision, and create. Saying no shouldn’t spiral us into shame, but through self-kindness, encourage thoughtful treatment of ourselves and others.

When we say yes, we should agree authentically and speak our truth. If we say yes when we don’t mean that we’re supportive or understanding, it causes a rift of resentment to rise. It keeps us from living in a way that’s edifying and encouraging, from a genuine place of love and esteem.

Jesus demonstrated compassionate living for himself and others when he prayed, taught, and healed.

“The next morning, Jesus got up long before daylight, left the house while it was dark, and made his way to a secluded place to give himself to prayer.Mark 1:35 (TPT)

I’m praying not only for them but also for those who will believe in me because of them and their witness about me. The goal is for all of them to become one heart and mind—just as you, Father, are in me and I in you, so they might be one heart and mind with us. Then the world might believe that you, in fact, sent me. The same glory you gave me, I gave them, so they’ll be as unified and together as we are—I in them and you in me. Then they’ll be mature in this oneness, and give the godless world evidence that you’ve sent me and loved them, in the same way you’ve loved me.” John 17:20 (MSG)

“Jesus ministered from place to place throughout all of the province of Galilee. He taught in the synagogues, preaching the hope of the kingdom realm and healing every kind of sickness and disease among the people.” Matthew 4:23 (TPT)

His demonstration of compassionate living was a model for us.

We benefit from adopting a compassionate lifestyle, without resentment, and replete with appropriate boundaries to help us realize overall wellbeing. Through the practice of balance and wholeness in our lives, we’re able to give of our time and creativity to others freely. As we experience the peace that comes, we’re able to broaden our worldview and become open to change and unconditional regard in a society that so desperately needs our care and kindness.

Have a fantastic week practicing compassion with healthy boundaries!

Be Well & Be Blessed!