Good Monday Morning!
I hope your weekend was filled with joy, laughter, and the stuff memories are made of!
This week our thoughts move to all things felt with the heart. When we support our ability to maintain balance, we can overcome the challenges of our lives. Our hearts become full as we explore how to sustain natural core health.

Matters of the heart range from physical and emotional to mental and spiritual, and we know that if our hearts are not physically healthy, we suffer from exhaustion and other maladies that may become fatal. When our emotional heart is broken, which research has proven to be equally life-threatening, we can struggle with mental health issues, such as depression, rejection, and a variety of anxiety-ridden concerns and expressions. We run the risk of becoming spiritually bankrupt when we don’t nurture a connection with our higher power.
“A cheerful look brings joy to the heart; good news makes for good health.”
Proverbs 15:30 (NLT)
So, how do we feel with our hearts? The answer lies with our ability to adopt a worldview that is encompassing and promotes creativity and openness. We daily recognize opportunities to engage in conversations that promote understanding and inclusion. It’s our diversity that adds to the richness of our experiences and touches the fundamental elements in our hearts.
We then share the responsibility of helping others to come into a better and more complete understanding of how acceptance allows us to feel with our hearts instead of solely with our heads. Pablo Picasso shared the following thoughts:
“There is only one way to look at things until someone shows us how to look at them with different eyes.”
This week let us all consider opening our minds and hearts to the possibilities of seeing the beautiful things that are felt with the heart! Our lives and those of others with whom we interact will be enriched. Imagine how we might individually and collectively support a powerful, heartfelt presence!
Be Well & Be Blessed!
Comments by lucinda