Good Monday Morning!

I hope you managed to rest this weekend and enjoy some peaceful moments with loved-ones!

It’s interesting how emotions emerge when we least expect them creating uncertainty for situations we thought were already reconciled. For example, maybe we’ve encountered someone who abused a friend or received an unfair judgment from a colleague. Perhaps there was a missed opportunity or injury caused by another person. Maybe a series of unfair situations caused undue duress. All of these incidences can cause us to be hurt, angry, and unforgiving.

Forgiveness is an extremely misunderstood concept. We’ve heard the phrase “forgive and forget” as a means to move on from an unhealthy or abusive situation. The reality is that we seldom forget atrocities such as abuse, so it seems counterintuitive to try. Another way to look at forgiveness, particularly from a faith viewpoint, is to forgive as an act of will. The action doesn’t necessarily include forgetting.

When we forgive someone as an act of will, the process allows us to release the burden of holding the negative emotions and allowing God to exact justice on our behalf. It means we agree to do our best to let go of our need/desire to punish and leave that task to Him to deliver the consequences of His choice. We are then free to love again with an open heart. We may even find ourselves loving the offender, maybe from a distance, and praying for him or her to heal from the hurts that were the driving factors that perpetuated the offending actions.

24+ Inspirational Quotes Of Forgiveness - Brian Quote

Scripture is replete with messages about forgiveness beginning in Genesis and extending throughout the New Testament. One of the most thought-provoking is Luke 22:34a, which reads:

“Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they’re doing.” (GW)

Some of the last words that Jesus uttered were about forgiveness. He was in physical, mental, and emotional agony, separated from the Father, and still willing to let go of offense. This action is powerful imagery for us to emulate. As we surrender our anger at injustice to Him, the weight and burden of offense lift off our backs, leaving it with the Rightful Judge.

Sometimes we have to surrender our anger many times before we finally believe that we’re free from the oppression. Gandhi shared that, “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” Similarly, Tyler Perry shared, “It’s not an easy journey to get to a place where you forgive people. But, it is such a powerful l place because it frees you.”

This week, think about spending some time to give space to one hurt. Maybe there’s someone who is taking up too much space in your mind. Consider, as an act of your will, releasing that person from the debt you feel is owed you. Then experience the freedom that comes with forgiveness. You may feel peace and freedom you haven’t felt in years!

Be Well & Be Blessed!