“The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire, the size of your dream, and how you handle disappointment along the way.”
Robert Kiyosaki
Happy Monday!
I hope you had a pleasant weekend doing whatever makes you smile and taking time to relax a bit. We frequently underestimate the value of rest and must build time into our schedules for that very thing. Relaxation allows more than our bodies to rejuvenate; it helps soothe our overtaxed nervous systems, which balance our mental and emotional states. Ultimately, we become more successful because we have the necessary clarity and creativity.
Success can be attributed to many different elements. We are more likely to reach our goals when we work effectively and consistently. If we are intentional and calculate the best pathways to enhance our trajectories, success is soon accomplished. What happens, though, when we face adversity is also germane to gaining access to our desired outcomes.
Facing disappointment isn’t fun, and it can be hugely disheartening. We can become discouraged and subsequently ineffective. We can slide down the slope of depression and think about quitting. Or we might prevent ourselves from beginning any risky venture.
It’s essential to plan for handling disappointment because things go wrong. We don’t like to think about the negative side of a project or venture at the beginning because it shadows our plans. Why start with negativity and a defeatist attitude? We ask ourselves. Why not surround ourselves with positive feelings and hope for the best?
There’s much to be said for positive thinking and hoping for favorable outcomes as we begin something new. However, it’s wise to look at the entirety of the project, including what might give us trouble. Let’s build more planning time into the schedule or conduct additional research. Or perhaps we have a slush fund of sorts for unexpected expenses. In any event, thinking ahead will help us avoid unwanted surprises and assist us in realizing our ultimate success goals.
I like what Robert Kiyosaki has to say on the topic:

The strength of our desire and the size of our dreams are important. However, appropriately handling disappointment can be the difference between success and failure in any project. It just takes some extra time to plan and realistically examine our methods and motives. Disappointment doesn’t have to be devastating. It’s like the difference between a reaction and a response.
A reaction is something we quickly wind up to and causes a struggle with impulse control. A response is based on knowledge of the subject and is more about digging out from the depths of careful consideration. It’s an appropriate reflection based on previous experience and the need and goal calculation.
Perhaps we’re being haunted by past disappointments. In preparing for something new, it is prudent to review those missteps to remind ourselves that we survived and even thrived despite the adversity. We could look at the lessons learned and use those to remember growth and improvement. Sometimes, we must look at disappointment and recognize how we encouraged ourselves afterward.
There’s always something to gain when we take the time to explore. Philippians 4:11-13 reminds us that we have everything we need to handle disappointment:
“I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.]” (AMP)
Please take a few minutes to reflect on your disappointments and how you handled them. Some may have been devastating, but you survived. Others may have barely been noticed, but they still have left a trace. This week, use that knowledge to your advantage. It might help you shed some light on what you’re currently facing!
Be Well & Be Blessed!
Comments by lucinda