“Approach the New Year with resolve to find the opportunities hidden in each new day.”
Michael Josephson
Happy New Year!
And Happy Monday! We made it! We celebrated Hannukah, Advent, the first day of Winter, Christmas, Boxing Day, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s Eve! Today is the first day of 2024, and all the hidden opportunities await!
I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions because I feel like it’s a setup. We make lists of things we will do and not do and become stressed about the process and depressed when we fall short of the mark. I think a better approach is to consider things we’d like to explore. If we’re exploring, we remain curious about the potential outcome instead of leaving our emotional fulfillment hanging on unknown results. It seems like a much saner approach to me.
Of course, we can look at things we’d like to change from the previous year or years, but without the stigma of failure looming in the wings, we have a greater chance to realize and uncover unique opportunities. It’s like when you constrict a garden hose, no water can flow through. However, as soon as you loosen your grip, water flows easily. I think our minds work that way, as well. When we put undue pressure on ourselves to meet a particular goal, we find we cannot achieve the desired outcome. But we can gain insight and awareness when we breathe, relax, and allow our thoughts to flow calmly and naturally. It’s then that we’re able to uncover hidden opportunities.
Michael Josephson, founder of the Joseph and Edna Josephson Institute of Ethics, noted the following:

Rather than merely awaiting the reward, we can hasten exploration and revelation by looking for hidden opportunities. How fun to contemplate what might be hidden in plain sight or where we might find something that wasn’t previously revealed. It would be wonderful to look at something we see daily (figuratively or physically) and discover greater depth or meaning. Maybe we can look at ourselves with the same curiosity, beginning the acceptance process with intention and managed expectations.
In Scripture, we see how things hidden are revealed:
“Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.” Ps51:6 (NKJV)
“Nobody lights a lamp and covers it with a basin or puts it under the bed. No, a man puts his lamp on a lamp stand so that those who come in can see the light. For there is nothing hidden now which will not become perfectly plain and there are no secrets now which will not become as clear as daylight.” Luke 8:17 (PHILLIPS)
Revealing what’s hidden can be an incredible quest with many varied applications. We might look within to find gifts and talents that have yet to be realized. Perhaps we engage in a treasure hunt to find hidden opportunities in our daily encounters. Maybe we look for hidden wisdom in colleagues, friends, and family. Or we might find hidden opportunities with new acquaintances.
Let’s take time this week to think about exploring hidden opportunities instead of creating impossible resolutions that will embitter and disappoint. Let’s be curious about exploring, mining if you will, in new places or in new ways. And let our mindset be enthusiastic and expectant of what we’ll uncover. I can’t wait to hear about all the adventures!
I pray you’re blessed with abundance, tranquility, joy, and prosperity in 2024!
Happy New Year!
Be Well & Be Blessed!
Comments by lucinda