Good morning and happy last Monday in August!
Let’s begin the week with some positivity!

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a Hungarian-American who’s work in the concept of Flow has gained him accolades as a professor in psychology, sociology, and anthropology. His most noteworthy accomplishment is his seminal work Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Flow is a state of concentration similar to the Zone. It happens when anindividual is so absorbed in what he or she is doing that a feeling of pure joy is experienced. It often occurs during a time of immersion or engagement.
Each of us has a unique and specific Flow, as we process life in unique and different ways. Some of us reach that peak experience when we are exhausted from training for a sports event or competition. Some reach that state when our creativity is allowed the freedom to explore options that are inconsistent with conventional boundaries and out of the proverbial box. Others gain freedom when entering into a time of prayer or meditation. Still others find a rhythm when surrounded by people who contribute to the richness of life. Each scenario presents a unique and individual creation that is not cookie-cutter in nature, and that cannot be copied. The circumstances produce in each of us a distinctive and matchless version of joy.
We may not all find that sweet spot in the same way, but we all continue to search for the magical place where we feel a special, unparalleled joy. It’s a worthy pursuit and helps us as we face daily choices on how to remain in a positive and joyful place. The key, I believe, is to be relentless in the search for happiness.
Make a joyful noise this week and see how infectious your efforts become!
Be Well & Be Blessed!
Comments by lucinda