To eat chocolate is to nurture one’s own soul, taking a moment of peace from a chaotic world and filling your heart with joy through its smooth texture and rich flavor.” Author Unknown
Happy Monday!
It’s the first Monday of November ~ let the holidays begin!
I hope you had a fantastic weekend enjoying the things and people you love the most. In SoCal, we were basking in the glory of our World Series Champion Dodgers. Seeing people coming together for joyful moments the past week was so lovely. It was reminiscent of simpler times without the chaos that fills us daily.
I asked someone what they’d like me to write about this week, and their response was chocolate-covered strawberries. I thought it was an odd request, but then I thought about the implications of chocolate and decided it was worthy of pursuit. You see, chocolate is made from cacao, which helps our brains manufacture serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical that has natural anti-depressant properties that contribute to healthy emotional regulation. Strawberries are linked with abundance, prosperity, love, respect, and spirituality. Together, they help us feel better, even for a little while.
As a result, this quote made me smile:

Aah, there it is. We desperately need to be nurtured, find peace in chaos, and be filled with joy. Chocolate-covered strawberries can do that momentarily, but it’s not a long-term fix. We need more. We need solutions to help us achieve lasting results.
Enter courage; we need courage to face our challenges and the faith to know that things will improve. We also need hope. Hope keeps us from the downward spiral our thoughts can lead to when we’re riddled with anxiety. It begins simply enough, but we often find ourselves at the bottom of the pit without a rope to climb out.
We count on climbing out eventually, but sometimes, allowing others to assist us is quicker and more effective. That’s when our close friends, mental health professionals, and spiritual advisors become our best hope for lasting change. When we allow ourselves to eat chocolate-covered strawberries with them without guilt or shame, we can climb out of the pit with new dreams, amended plans, improved perspectives of ourselves, and added skills and resources.
We’re reminded in Scripture that:
“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6(NKJV)
“I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.” Jeremiah 29:11 (GNT)
If you’re moving in a season of frustration or despair, perhaps meeting with the people who know you best is a great place to begin. Maybe you’re in the perfect space to enter into more profound work through counseling and deal with some of the baggage you’ve been carrying for several years. It might be that time with a spiritual advisor will help you become more grounded in your prayer life and add dimension to your current practices.
Creating space to explore your options and develop ways to manage your overall health in positive and lasting ways is essential. Sure, it’s possible to band-aid the problems and concerns, but that’s temporary, and we’ll likely revisit the same dilemmas. Wouldn’t it be more effective to take the plunge and eliminate those things that hold us back once and for all?
That’s my challenge to you this week. Look at what keeps you from accomplishing your dreams and goals. Decide what course to take, then begin to unwind and feel the tension leaving. The burden becomes lighter when you share your concerns with someone who can listen, provide unconditional love and acceptance, and encourage you. When it’s all said and done, you can enjoy those chocolate-covered strawberries together.
I wish you joy and peace as you traverse the coming months!
Be Well & Be Blessed!
Comments by lucinda