Happy Monday! 

Merry Christmas weekend! Many celebrated yesterday, some are celebrating today, while a significant amount of us started on Friday and continue to enjoy the beauty of the season. I hope your plans are unfolding nicely and that you’ve built in some time to rest and refresh before the fast-approaching New Year.

The message is simple this week. It’s about loving one another well.

I think Bob Hope’s idea is a good one:

No copyright infringement intended.

Thank you, Mr. Hope! Why should we wait for special occasions to express our love? We’re talking about the healthy, brotherly kind of love here. The kind that embraces humanity as brethren and always contends for the best possible outcome in any situation. We’re talking about loving your brother/sister as yourself. We’re talking about tearing down walls of fear, misunderstanding, societal mores, and outdated cultural norms that no longer serve a useful purpose.

Instead of the stress and strife caused by a lack of effective communication, we’re talking about making it our business to understand one another, bear each other’s burdens, and demonstrate kindness and compassion at every opportunity. It’s an everyday thing, not reserved for special occasions.

Scripture is clear:

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this, all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35 (NKJV)

“Be tenderly devoted to one another in brotherly love; outdo one another in giving honor.” Romans 12:10 (TLV)

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” Ephesians 4:2 (NIV)

“Above all, show sincere love to each other because love brings about the forgiveness of many sins.” 1 Peter 4:8 (CEB)

And in the words of Dr. Seuss:

“Christmas will always be as long as we stand heart to heart and hand in hand.”

Our world can use a little intentionality when demonstrating acceptance, inclusion, and tolerance. We must be willing to look for a person’s good, positive qualities, not dig for unsavory traits. If each of us extends an olive branch of peace once or twice a day, imagine what a difference we can make in fostering healthy love for others. I think there would be more miracles than we could count!

Let’s make a point of loving well this week!

Be Well & Be Blessed!
