Good morning and happy Monday!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Wellness is unique to each of us. As we discover how to achieve balance in the various areas, we learn that, although we have individual gifts, we all have choices to make about the quality of our wellbeing. As we are able to access the natural healing force each of us contains within ourselves, we discover our strengths, on which we can expand, and our weaknesses. Our strong points can be the catalyst in keeping us motivated to look at the more fragile areas of our lives and assist us in making appropriate wellness decisions.
I was with a friend who discussed some of his challenges with wellness several weeks ago. His frustration came from the belief that he was too set in his ways to change his daily routine. He had convinced himself that there was no hope and that he was destined to struggle with several issues that had plagued him for years.
It saddened me to sit with someone who had given up on making positive choices. Instead of utilizing the natural healing he could access by choosing to ignore the inclination to travel down that negative spiral, he gave up on achieving his best life. All he had to do was look at the potential in challenging himself to adopt a more positive mindset.
Eventually, we tried a few exercises in mindfulness and some guided meditation to begin to replace his limiting, negative beliefs. The goal was to replace them with thoughts that promoted hope and positivity. I’m pleased to report that, although he’s not wholly converted to the notion that overall wellbeing begins with the choice to access his inner strength and healing force, he is entertaining the idea and has seen benefits start to emerge where he thought there were none.
My challenge to you this week is to take a deeper dive within and review what might enhance your goals in physical, mental, emotional, social, or spiritual wellness. Start anywhere that feels comfortable and work to access the positive force within by choosing your healing. Your balanced wellbeing awaits!
Be Well & Be Blessed!
Comments by lucinda