Happy Columbus Day Monday!

Image result for by prevailing over all obstacles

Christopher Columbus faced much adversity as he arranged and executed his plan to discover what was really at the end of the world. Would he fall off the face of the earth, be lost in some abyss, or would he discover exciting new territories, cultures, and traditions? It took courage to set out on what some thought would be a fool’s errand, but Columbus chose to turn a deaf ear to the naysayers and pursue the adventure of a lifetime.

Prevailing over obstacles and distractions doesn’t refer solely to discovering new lands. Perhaps you have an entrepreneurial dream that has yet to come to fruition. Maybe you are working on healing some deep mental or emotional wound. There’s a possibility that your current goal is to realize better physical or spiritual health. In any case, there are bound to be obstacles and, even worse, distractions that must be overcome to access that chosen goal or destination.

I’m here to help you in the pursuit of your wellness goals! If the obstacles seem daunting or the distractions too confusing, let me know. I’d be delighted to partner with you in your journey!

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And Happy Thanksgiving to all our Canadian friends!

Be Well and Be Blessed!
