Marshall Rosenberg was an American psychologist who developed a process for resolving conflict known as Nonviolent Communication (NVC). His work revolved around the theory that human beings are basically compassionate and only resort to violence when other attempts fail. The theory posits that, as people strive to meet basic needs, and when we identify commonality, we’re able to harmoniously and collaboratively develop strategies for the collective good. The process lays the groundwork for future learning and cooperation.
Interestingly, communications that are considered ‘violent’ are fear, guilt, and shame and when implemented during a conflict, divert the attention away from clarifying needs, perpetuating the clash. Therefore, when we’re consciously seeking to meet needs in ways that promote harmony, we’re poised to promote social change because we’re seeking to make life better for ourselves and others. Thus, Wellbeing becomes a collaboration to enrich our lives and the lives of others.
For those who remember Yom Kippur this week, the highest of Jewish holy days, and known as the Day of Atonement, I wish you peace – Shalom!
Have a fantastic week!
Be Well and Be Blessed!
Comments by lucinda