Welcome to the last week in August! The summer seems to have flown by, and now most of our young people are back in school. How does that change your daily routine? Do you have more time to plan for your wellbeing? Do you have to get creative with your time? Whatever the case, we’re here to encourage and validate you and to help you craft the time you need for self-care.

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We’re all on different journeys. Many of us are attending to the physical needs of our bodies. Some are recovering from injuries while others are trying to maintain a healthy balance. Maybe we’re looking to accomplish lofty goals that demand discipline. In each case, the journey begins with a positive mindset. Achieving physical wellness involves a collaboration between the mind and body. Although we may be discouraged at times, there are many incredible benefits to be gleaned from improving our physical wellbeing. And remember:

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Yes, you are amazing! Print that picture and tape it to your bathroom mirror, your computer at work, and anywhere that will help you remember that you’re one of a kind! Unique! Exceptional! Try being intentional about validating yourself through daily affirmations for one week. It’s a game changer!

I hope you’re up for the challenge and ready to make positive changes in your life!


Be Well and Be Blessed!
