I found the following quote over the weekend:

Image result for an arrow can only be released by first pulling it back

The words reminded me how we sometimes feel as though we’re about to break. The feeling could be motivated by some perceived shortcoming we have or from a real situation where we thought we were ill-prepared or not wholly present when decisive action was required. Being stretched can be painful, but it doesn’t necessarily mean we don’t have the skills to move forward.

Sometimes the challenge is meant to broaden our perspective. Those are the times when launching into something new feels like the end of the world. In reality, new beginnings often mean pulling back, stretching our minds to accommodate new thoughts and concepts, and then catapulting into a new season – be it life changes, additional duties on the job, or creating a new normal.

This week when you’re feeling stretched to the limit, remember…

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…and continue to push through the adversity to accomplish amazing things!

Be Well and Be Blessed!
