I hope you had a fantastic weekend!

This week we take a look at responsibility concerning change and how responsible action can facilitate a positive outcome, even when the transformation appears to be difficult. Socrates, a classical Greek moral and ethical philosopher, reminds us of the importance of remaining present during a transition to glean optimal constructive benefits.

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We are in the unique position to responsibly choose change on a daily basis. Sometimes the function is complicated at best, while other times the process may feel quite natural. Frequently, we welcome change when the action will work to our benefit, but often we must endure change for the greater good. It’s all a matter of perspective.

If we look at change through the lens of Wellbeing, we discover that adding a workout to our routine or opting to offload a stressful activity, for example, may cause disruption for the moment, but culminate in an increased sense of wellness. Through our Wellbeing journeys, we’ll be continually challenged to remain present, consciously aware of our surroundings and the choices with which we’re privileged to contend. The important element is:

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So, this week embrace the unknown. Stay curious. Continue to be positively expectant. Remain present. And remember. . .

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Have an amazing week responsibly exploring change and approach transitions fearlessly!

Be Well and Be Blessed!
