Happy Monday! 

I hope you spent time this weekend indulging in some self-care, especially during these rainy days in SoCal. Although other parts of the country and the world face different challenges, the weather here was cool and crisp, and the evenings lent themselves to cozy fires, warm beverages, and good friends. There’s healing in downtime, particularly when spent with people about whom we love and care. Of course, sometimes we need a little more of that extra-special together-time, and that’s even more precious in the winter evenings.

Today we commemorate the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His words and impact have made lasting impressions across the world for decades. His work and teaching continue through the commitment of those seeking racial justice and equality for all people groups.

Although Dr. King’s life was fraught with difficulties, including vigilantes, he stood on the foundation of love and the interconnectedness of all people. He was unyielding in his quest for decency and the relentless pursuit of equitable treatment, affordable housing, fair wages, proper healthcare, and fundamental human rights. The depth of his faith was unparalleled for the time, as evidenced by the continuous plea for love among all brethren delivered from the pulpit and other venues.

Dr. King authored these words that succinctly characterize our faith walk:

Photo by Leo Wieling. No copyright infringement intended.

Staircases go both ways, up and down. When we lean into our faith, we trust that our steps are ordered and that the eventual destination will be in our best interests. Sometimes our journey takes us up to new heights, while other times, our path takes us down as we learn more about ourselves. As we trust the journey, we understand that both ways, the ups, and the downs, are designed for us to grow into our purpose.

The staircases also teach us how to unlock the secrets to becoming our best selves. Pastor Steven Furtick notes: He is the God of my potential, and He is the God of my limitations. This thought means that He knows our ups and downs and that the staircases of our lives are no surprise to Him.

An example in Scripture is God’s promise to Jacob in Genesis 28:

“He dreamed: All of a sudden, there was a stairway set up on the earth and it’s top reaching to the heavens—and behold, angels of God going up and down on it!” v.12 (TLV)

“Behold, I am with you, and I will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land, for I will not forsake you until I have done what I promised you.” v.15 (TLV)

Today we remember the fight for our freedoms led by Dr. King. We honor his legacy and pay homage to the driving force of love and faith that served as his foundation. As we consider what we’ve gained due to his courage, let’s look for ways to continue his work. Let’s allow our unseen destination to compel us to take the first step on the staircase and increase our faith.

Be Well & Be Blessed!
