“Then followed that beautiful season…Summer. Filled with the air was a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood.”

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Happy Monday! 

I hope you had an enjoyable beginning of Summer! It was official last Wednesday, June 21st, announcing a new season and new beginnings. I remember being a child and feeling such a rush when summer arrived. In my household, it meant endless days at the beach, family and friends over for gatherings, and a sense that all was well in the world.

Although our experiences as adults differ from that of childhood, there’s still a sensation that things are different in summer. Maybe it’s because of our fond memories and the new ones that we’re making. Perhaps it’s due to the sudden beauty after a long winter. Or maybe we reserve time to revisit some of the places where, as children, we found such enjoyment. Whatever the reason, summer is definitely a time to relax and allow the rigors of our current reality to pause, even if just for a few hours.

This quote from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow captured the spirit of the season for me:

Photo by Olia Gozha. No copyright infringement intended.

When was the last time you experienced dreamy and magical? My guess is that it’s been a while. We get so caught up in our daily grind that we forget to pause and enjoy moments of change and times of beauty. We neglect to see our figurative landscape through the lens of a child, which causes us to lose some of the enchantment.   

What would it be like, I wonder, to step out of our adult comfort zones and dream a bit more, experience life more whimsically, and add a dash of mindful intent to enjoying the good things in our world? I know several people who keep a gratitude journal. That’s a great way to get into a reflective mode and stop to take a breath occasionally.

I know others who schedule downtime regularly, specifically dedicating time for rest and refreshment. Sometimes that looks like climbing a mountain, camping, or taking the boat to the river. Other times it can be a cruise, guided tour, or visiting a local museum. Still, others read, write, and soak up the sun on a lovely beach. Whatever works best is perfect if we set the intention and follow our plans.

Sometimes we just can’t dedicate the time to travel, even locally. When that happens, a staycation is a great alternative. Simply unplug from the things that keep us tethered to our work and enjoy freedom in any suitable way. It’s so worth the effort!

There’s a passage in Matthew 11 where Jesus provides wisdom regarding rest. In verses 25-27, He talks of how the Father has hidden things from the wise and prudent and has revealed them to babes. In verses 28-29, He shares another view of rest:

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (NKJV)

Sometimes our souls need rest, not just our minds and bodies. In these instances, we are encouraged to revert to our childlike imaginations and take time to enjoy the dreamy and magical light from the freshness of childhood. I can’t think of a better way to rest and refresh.

It all points back to the loveliness and blessings of enjoying the summer months. I hope you have some plans of your own. Remember, think outside the box, dream a little, and find ways to restore your mind, body, and emotions. You’ll be richer for the experience!

I hope you have a lovely week!

Be Well & Be Blessed!
