Happy Monday!

I hope you had an enjoyable weekend!

Image result for images for whether you think you can or you think you can't you're right

I don’t know about you, but I can talk myself in or out of almost anything. Sometimes I feel like I’m invincible and tackle complicated projects fearlessly and with an almost reckless abandon. During these times, I know I’ve convinced myself that I have the skills, qualifications, and creativity to accomplish great things – whether there’s evidence to support that notion or not. Other times I assume a defeatist attitude. I ruminate on my shortcomings, fuss about how ill-equipped I am, and all but destroy any self-confidence that I’ve stored away for a rainy day.

It all depends on what I’m thinking. Thoughts are powerful agents and when fueled, generate into the things being considered. Give your thoughts the fuel of encouragement, endurance, and positivity, and they will produce greatness. Feed them with doubt, insecurity, and pessimism, and they will reap negative consequences.

Our thoughts fuel our sense of self. Whether you’re trying to become more fit, seeking to find your mental/emotional balance, looking for answers to spiritual questions, or are looking for a place to connect, if you think you can or can’t you’ll be right. I believe it’s better to err on the side of positivity and believe you can accomplish any of the goals you’ve set for yourself! You have nothing to lose if you try and everything to lose if you don’t.

Examine your thoughts this week and determine to master your objectives.

“For as he thinks within himself, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7

Be Well & Be Blessed!