Happy Monday! 

I don’t know about you, but I need a weekend to recover from my busy weekend! I did get some rest and relaxation in, fortunately, as I continue to strive for work/life balance. However, even fun activities can be exhausting, so be sure to find a way to include some quiet, reflective time amid the festivities.

We all go through challenging seasons. Some are emotional times, while others take the shape of business or career trials. Sometimes stress requires assistance in the form of behavioral changes or finding resources to talk through the pressing matters that make us feel ineffective or as though we’re losing control.

When events make us feel off-balance, exhausted, or like we’re struggling to hold on while awaiting relief, we look for ways to regroup and rethink our strategies. We summon all the courage we can and begin to look for solutions and problem-solving techniques creatively. Once in a while, we find the answers immediately, rushing in with a burst of energy. Other times we need to pause, take a step back, and realize that the resolutions are not forthcoming, and we must take a deep breath and start again tomorrow. The answers seem to be whispering slowly and quietly, and we must pay more attention to find them.

I found this quote from Mary Anne Radmacher that is reminiscent of those lingering moments of waiting:

Photo by Ioann-Mark Kuznietsov. No copyright infringement intended.

Yes, sometimes courage takes the shape of a little voice of encouragement. It’s like that open window in the evening that promises a lovely day tomorrow. Maybe we could only identify the issue today, but tomorrow will bring some concrete solutions. We did our best today, but tomorrow we’ll be able to lift more weights, literally and figuratively. We couldn’t connect with the one person or group that can provide resources, but tomorrow will come with various options. We can always expect a tomorrow, but we do have to be ready to look for the solutions that may be hiding in plain sight.

With the knowledge and promise of tomorrow, it’s easier to pay attention to those small leadings and access the necessary assistance. We think how funny that my boss called me today to check-in. Or, how interesting that my pastor decided to invite me to coffee. A friend may reach out with some resources that she found, even though we hadn’t yet shared the nature of our needs. Those little voices come in many different ways.

Scripture shares an encounter that Elijah had in 1 Kings:11-12 demonstrating the concept of a still small or whispering voice:

“Then he was told, ‘Go, stand on the mountain at attention before God. God will pass by.’ A hurricane wind ripped through the mountains and shattered the rocks before God, but God wasn’t to be found in the wind; after the wind, an earthquake, but God wasn’t in the earthquake; and after the earthquake fire, but God wasn’t in the fire; and after the fire a gentle and quiet whisper.” (MSG)

Several passages in Scripture talk about courage. I particularly appreciate the sentiment in this verse from Ezra:

“Arise, for this matter is your responsibility. We also are with you. Be of good courage, and do it.“ 10-4 (NKJV)

Ezra is encouraged to take responsibility and gather his courage to complete the task. Our efforts are rewarded when we take responsibility for our actions and gather our courage to manage the consequences. Our courage grows in a rush or roar, as well as in quiet moments and little voices. We have to or remind ourselves of the vast possibilities that are available to us.

I wish you courage this week in how you process and accomplish your goals. I pray you’ll be bolstered by courageous roars and soothed by the little voices. And I hope you’ll be surprised by how each has its proper place in every tomorrow.

Be Well & Be Blessed!
