“It’s not the will to win that matters ~ everyone has that ~ It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.” Paul “Bear” Bryant
Happy Monday!
I hope you had a productive first week of the year and a restful weekend! Our home has been very busy with birthdays and travel, not to mention the rigors of setting up well for working with intention. I’m amazed at how things run so much smoother when we’re well-prepared.
If you’re not a planner, it may take a bit of effort, but learning to plan your day, at least in a general sense, is a helpful way to minimize stress and ensure everything gets done. Being prepared also means thinking about things that might go wrong, but not to the extent that we worry to the extreme. That kind of worry is entirely non-productive and often gets us in more trouble than we bargained for.
If we worry too much, we don’t have the energy or capacity to focus on what matters. It takes our minds off the task at hand, adds stress, and generally slows the process down. It may even cause us to lose hope and abandon what might have been excellent plans. How sad to have a great idea with the potential to succeed only to be worried about obstacles to the extent that we’re rendered helpless. It is better to be slow and methodical, noting the milestones that mark our progress, than to fret about what might happen.
Paul “Bear” Bryant, considered one of the most successful coaches of his time, noted the following:

Coach Bryant is correct in assessing that we all desire to win. The commitment to adequate preparation sets the winners apart from the rest. Sometimes, that means disciplined workouts, and sometimes, that requires other disciplines of the mind, emotions, and will. Frequently, it means attention to the details of the entire spectrum of preparation to competently and confidently level up.
In Scripture, there are many references to being prepared. In 1 Chronicles, David prepared to house the ark of the covenant. In Esther, the young women prepared with beautifying oils. Proverbs shares that we must prepare our hearts. The apostles prepared meals and were prepared to reach the lost. And in Ephesians, we’re taught that an element of our armor is preparing for the gospel of peace. There’s a lot of preparation going on!
There are many things for which we can prepare to succeed in our endeavors. We may need to prepare for a difficult conversation. That might include bullet points or even writing out the intended thoughts to share. We might be preparing for an interview, so we’d need to research the organization we’re applying to, know some salient facts, and do some deep breathing to relieve anxiety. Perhaps we’re in a sport or art with eliminations and finals. In that case, we need to prepare for competition physically, mentally, and emotionally to be at our best.
Whatever you’re facing this week or in the future, take time to realize what specific preparation you need for the desired outcome. I promise you won’t be alone in your efforts. We’ve all got something that matters and something in which we’d like not only to succeed but also to excel!
Have fun discovering what matters and remember to spend time in preparation!
Be Well & Be Blessed!
Comments by lucinda