Good morning and Happy August! I hope you were kind to yourself over the weekend and created some space for rest and recreation! Whether it’s road trips, lazy days at the beach, hiking to the perfect waterfall, or reading a good book, self-care is an essential component in re-energizing. Throw in a little time for reflection and mindfulness, and you’ve got an excellent recipe for balanced wellbeing.

Sadia Bashir is a contemporary entrepreneur from Pakistan. She managed to finance her own education in a family that did not hold learning as an important priority for women. With her knowledge and tenacity, Ms. Bashir co-founded Pixel Art Games Academy to provide training in video game development. She has inspired women throughout the U.S. and the world to pursue their visions assertively.
Anything we do with enthusiasm and excellence will yield benefits far greater than we expect. Through the practice of meditation and mindfulness, we gain insight into ourselves and the world around us. The cool thing is that we are free to engage in this practice utilizing whatever spiritual discipline is comfortable and familiar to us.
Sometimes the mere act of getting quiet and focusing on our breathing brings clarity to challenging decisions or relief to troublesome thoughts. Taking a few moments from our day to calm ourselves and simply experience stillness goes a long way in mitigating the adverse effects of our chaotic lifestyles.
Gandhi once commented:
“A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.”
We are well-advised to take care of our thought life. In this way, we ensure that what we manifest in our lives promotes positivity, compassion, tolerance, and acceptance – both of others and ourselves. In doing so, we optimize the opportunities we have to attain symmetry in our wellbeing efforts.
Be Well & Be Blessed!
Comments by lucinda