Happy February!
I hope you had a warm and cozy weekend! For those of you who are struggling with the Super Bowl aftermath – condolences – and for the winners – congratulations! In the end, I hope you all had a fun time with friends and family, and that you enjoyed watching the competition.
Benjamin Franklin is recorded as having said that:
“Honest is the best policy.”
Seems pretty simple, but when you break it down, honesty has so many lovely side effects. If we’re honest, we don’t have to try to remember what we said, which comes in pretty handy when we’re dealing with people. Being honest shows the degree of integrity to which a person aspires and, consequently, gains respect from self and others. Honesty is also foundational to success, even though another road may seem more appealing.
James E. Faust, faith leader and notable lawyer, once commented:
“Honest is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving.”
These are sound words and not always easy to model. One quote that I believe sums up the importance of honesty was uttered by Mother Teresa.
This week, be honest with yourself and others. It’s a great way to create positive energy and enhance your wellbeing!
This week, be honest with yourself and others. It’s a great way to create positive energy and enhance your wellbeing!
Be Well & Be Blessed!
Comments by lucinda